Greetings. Those reading have no idea what im going to be shpealing on about. That at this point is irrelevent. I'm Jace, aka, Jittlez. Pronounced Ji-tulz. or Jitt-Lez. I don't care. I was pretty active on Newgrounds about a year ago, but I moved to SoundCloud to "mature my music." I'm literally quoteing myself. Here let me just do this.
[Surkol] Surkol
Oct 10, 2014
What happened to you? Are you gonna upload any new music this year?
35 minutes agoJittlez responds:
Hi! um... What happened? I moved over to soundcloud for a while to kind of "Mature" my music. And now that its been a good long time i believe ill be coming back here. The fact you even took the time to ask whether or not you care, is inspiring to me. this "comeback" will be solely because of you, otherwise, i wouldnt. you, my friend are amazing. please never forget that.
So Surkol, much thanks. :3
I shall be posting so much more and only my official stuff. Art, Music...others.
Thank you all peoples <3